All State Offices will be CLOSED on December 25 in observance of Christmas, and January 1 in observance of New Year's Day.


Third Party Access

You may want to allow a relative, fiduciary, or tax professional to view your tax account and manage certain aspects of the account, such as file a return on your behalf or make tax payments. To do this, you can grant third party account access using Revenue Online. If your situation changes later, you can also remove third party account access using Revenue Online.

Power of Attorney (POA)

As of January 1, 2021, the Department no longer accepts IRS Form 2848. The Department will continue to accept the Colorado Tax Information Authorization or Power of Attorney (DR 0145) form.

Requests for Copies of Tax Returns

A third party who has a Power of Attorney, that complies with the Uniform Power of Attorney Act (Title 15, Article 14, Part 7, C.R.S.), may request return copies by attaching a completed Colorado Tax Information Authorization or Power of Attorney (DR 0145) form to the Request for Copy of Tax Returns (DR 5714) form. For more information about acceptable tax information authorization, see the instructions on the Colorado Power of Attorney (DR 0145) form.

Note: To ensure tax information confidentiality, the Request for Copy of Tax Returns requires a notary signature on the paper form proving the identity of the individual making the request, even when the taxpayer (not a third party) is making the request. For more information, visit the Request Tax Return Copies web page. 

Notice for Tax Professionals, Fiduciaries, and Accountants

For security reasons, individuals are limited to one Revenue Online account. Because of this, tax professionals should not create an account for themselves under a client's Social Security number (SSN) or Colorado Account Number (CAN). Doing this prevents the taxpayer from being able to create their Revenue Online account in the future. If your clients grant you third party access, you will be able to access their accounts from your own account.

Granting & Managing Third Party Access

Third party access should only be used for a relative, significant other, fiduciary, accountant, or tax professional, because they are able to see all of your tax account information when they are logged in to Revenue Online

Do not give your Revenue Online username and password to the person you are granting third party account access. For security reasons, it is recommended that the person who has third party access to your account views it from their own account.

Third Party access requires an existing Revenue Online account. When the third party designee signs in to their own account, all of the accounts they have access to are listed on the account homepage, including your account. If a relative or tax professional does not have a Revenue Online account, but you want that person to have access to your account, then they need to visit Set up a Revenue Online account.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Before you begin, ensure you and the person you are granting access have created an account in Revenue Online. Then follow these steps to grant third party access to your account: 

  1. Log in to your account at
  2. Click on "Manage My Profile" at the top of the screen. 
  3. Click on "More…"
  4. Then click "Grant Third Party Access" in the "Access" box. 
  5. Click "Next" on the bottom right of the screen. 
  6. Enter the requested information on the "New Third Party Access" screen and click "Submit."
  7. Verify third party access was granted:
    • Account Owner/Taxpayer
      • The third party account will fill in on the "Manage Third Party Access" page.  You can see this by clicking on "Manage My Profile." 
      • Then click "More…" 
      • Selecting "Manage Third Party Access" in the "Access" box. 
    • Third Party/Tax Professional
      • All the accounts are listed on the homepage of your account. The owner's account will display in the account list.

Download/Print Instructions

There may be more than one person in the office or associated with the account who needs to access a business account in Revenue Online. There are two ways to allow access to your business account: add secondary logons or grant third party access. The steps for each option are listed below.

Add Secondary Logons

Adding a secondary logon is used by a business that will have more than one person managing the business account. If you choose this option, the person you are setting up for does not need to have an existing Revenue Online account. That is because adding a secondary logon is the same as creating a new Login ID and Password for Revenue Online. To add a secondary logon, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Revenue Online and log in to your account.
  2. Click "Manage My Profile" in the upper right corner of the screen.
  3. Select “More…”
  4. In the “Access” box, click “Manage Secondary Logons.”
  5. Click “Add” on the middle right of the screen.
  6. Enter the information for the secondary logon.
    • You will be asked to create a username, provide an email address, and select an access level for the person to whom you are giving access.
  7. Click “Next” to continue to the next screen.
  8. Select the “Security Group” and all accounts that this username will have access to, then click “Submit.”
  9. A pop-up window will appear stating that access has been granted. A confirmation email will be sent to the email address entered for the secondary login containing a link for the new user to set their password and log in. 


Grant Third Party Access to Employees or Tax Professionals 

Before you begin, ensure you and the person you are granting access have created an account in Revenue Online. Then follow these steps to grant third party access to your account: 

  1. Log in to your account at
  2. Click on "Manage My Profile" at the top of the screen. 
  3. Click on "More…"
  4. Then click "Grant Third Party Access" in the "Access" box. 
  5. Click "Next" on the bottom right of the screen. 
  6. Enter the requested information on the "New Third Party Access" screen and click "Submit."
  7. Verify third party access was granted:
    • Account Owner/Taxpayer
      • The third party account will fill in on the "Manage Third Party Access" page.  You can see this by clicking on "Manage My Profile." 
      • Then click "More…" 
      • Selecting "Manage Third Party Access" in the "Access" box. 
    • Third Party/Tax Professional
      • All the accounts are listed on the homepage of your account. The owner's account will display in the account list.

Download/Print Instructions

Access levels for your Revenue Online Username, Secondary Logins, and Third Party Access can be managed and adjusted at any time. 

  1. Go to Revenue Online and log in to your account.
  2. Click "Manage My Profile" in the upper right corner of the screen.
  3. Click "More…"
  4. On the “More…” screen, select one of the following options. These links will allow you to manage the account access for all users associated with your account. More information about each option is below.
    • “Manage My Access” in the "Access" box 
    • “Manage Third Party Access” in the “Access” box
    • “Manage Secondary Logons” in the “My Users” box
    • “Manage Additional Logons” in the “Other Users” box


Manage My Access

The “Manage My Access” link will allow you to add accounts to your own access Revenue Online username. For businesses, it is recommended that you set up Revenue Online access under one account and add additional users or third party access, as needed. 


Manage Third Party Access

“Manage Third Party Access” manages third party access to your accounts, and allows you to determine default access levels for third parties. 

After third party access has been granted, all usernames with third party access will be listed under the “Logons” header. 

Click a username listed here to view or change the access levels provided to that third party. You can cancel or grant access to any account associated with your business and determine the actions that will be available to the third party for accounts they have access to.


Manage Secondary Logons

“Manage Secondary Logons” allows you to add, view, and manage all secondary logins associated with your account. To manage existing secondary logons: 

  1. Click on the username you will be managing. 
  2. The next screen will show the Access Type and all accounts the selected username has access to. 
  3. Click “Change Access” at the top of the screen to make any adjustments to the secondary login that has been selected. 
  4. Click “Save” to finalize changes. 


Manage Additional Logons

“Manage Additional Logons” establishes if you will allow additional usernames to be set up in the Revenue Online portal, determines default access levels for additional logins, and allows you to view, and manage all additional login usernames associated with your account. Additional logins are username credentials that are set up through the Revenue Online portal using account information after the first username has been created. 

To manage existing additional logins: 

  1. Click on the username you will be managing. 
  2. The next screen will show the Access Type and all accounts the selected username has access to. 
  3. Click “Manage Access” at the top of the screen to add account access to the username that has been selected. 
  4. Click “Change Access” to make adjustments to the access level for the username.

Remove Third Party Access

Log in to your account in Revenue Online and click on "Manage My Profile" at the top of the screen. 

  1. Click on "More…" then click "Manage Third Party Access" in the "Access" menu. 
  2. Click the blue hyperlink for the username for the third party you are removing access from.
  3. On the next screen click “Manage Account Access.”
  4. General access and any accounts that the third party has access to will be listed here. The “Cancel Access” hyperlinks can be used to cancel general access, or to cancel access to a specific account type.  


Remove Additional Logon Access

“Additional Logons” are usernames that are created through the Revenue Online portal using business information after the first username has been created. “Additional Logons” are listed under “Other Users.”

  1. Log in to the account in Revenue Online.
  2. Click “Manage My Account” in the upper right corner of the screen, then click “More…”
  3. From the “Other Users” menu, click “Manage Additional Logons.”
  4. Select the username that you wish to remove access for. 
  5. Click “Deactivate Access” to cease login access for the username. For a deactivated account, the only hyperlink action available for the Username is "Reactivate Access." 

Note: Even if you deactivate a Logon, the Username of the person who, at one time, had access to your account will remain in the listing. Active logins are displayed with blue text, deactivated logins are displayed with gray text. 


Remove Secondary Logons
  1. Log in to the account in Revenue Online. On the top of the screen, click "Manage My Profile", then click “More…".
  2. From here, click on the link "Manage Secondary Logons" from the "My Users" menu, then select the Username that you wish to remove access.
  3. To cease the logon access, click on the link "Deactivate Access." For a deactivated account, the only hyperlink action available for the Username is "Reactivate Access."  

Note: Even if you deactivate a Logon, the Username of the person who, at one time, had access to your account will remain in the listing. Active secondary logins are displayed with blue text, deactivated logons are displayed with gray text.