DR 5714 - Request for Copy of Tax Returns

Important update: Certified tax returns no longer needed for standard license applications

Effective March 31, 2025, certified copies of Colorado tax returns will no longer be required for undocumented individuals applying for standard identification credentials issued under the Colorado Road and Community Safety Act (CO-RCSA). This change is the result of Colorado SB24-182

This form must be filled out accurately and completely. It must also be notarized. For security purposes, the Colorado Department of Revenue does everything it can to keep taxpayer information confidential. These precautions are necessary to ensure against potential identity theft. The Tax Files Office cannot accept requests for copies by fax, email or photocopies, because original signatures of both the requester and the notary are required for security purposes.

Mail the completed form to:

Colorado Department of Revenue
Tax Files - Room B112
P.O. Box 17087
Denver, CO 80217-0087