Withholding Filing Frequency & Due Dates


What is my filing frequency?

Each year the Department determines withholding filing requirements based on an annual review of your account during the 12-month period of July 1 through June 30. For example, for the 2021 calendar year, we will look at the period July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020. This is called a "look back period".

If the amount of Wage Withholding Tax remitted requires a more frequent filing schedule, the Department will notify the employer before January of the next calendar year. If the employer is eligible to file less frequently the Department will not change the filing status, the employer must request this change. Upon request, the Department will analyze your account to see if you are eligible. You must continue to file at your current frequency until we notify you of this change.


Withholding tax must be deducted and paid in whole dollar amounts. To determine filing frequency, estimate the amount of withholding tax that the business will expect to pay for all employees in one year. Based on that estimation the filing frequency for a new account will be as follows:

Colorado wage withholding collected within one year
Filing Frequency
Due Dates
Less than $7,000
Quarterly returns are due by the last day of the month after the end of the quarter
First quarter: April 30
Second quarter: July 31
Third quarter: October 31
Fourth Quarter: January 31
Revenue Online (credit card or e-check) or by
At least $7,000 but not more than $50,000
On or before the 15th day of the following month. For example, March is due April 15.
Revenue Online (credit card or e-check) or by Electronic Funds Transfer
More than $50,000
Weekly returns are due by the following Wednesdays.
The Tax Period End Date must always be a Friday date (exception: calendar year end date is December 31, regardless of day of week). To determine the Tax Period End Date, note the payroll date, then check for the next Friday date. If the payroll date is a Friday, that date is the Period End Date. Refer to Frequent Filers examples document.
Must file all payments by Electronic Funds Transfer

NOTE: If you fail to file a return for any given reporting period, you will receive a delinquency notice with tax due. Please make sure to file your return with the correct tax due or file a zero return.