Tax Years 2018 Through 2021


For tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2018 but before January 1, 2022, Partnerships and S Corporations will have the option to submit a Retroactive SALT Parity Act Composite Reporting Return - an amended composite tax return filed on behalf of the partnership or S corporation and all partners or shareholders.

About the Retroactive SALT Parity Act Composite Reporting Return 

  • The amended return to make this election can only be filed by Partnerships and S Corporations who have already filed their original Colorado Partnership and S Corporation and Composite Nonresident Income Tax Return (DR 0106) for any or all of the tax years 2018-2021. 
  • This can only be filed through Revenue Online. No paper form is available. If you do not currently have a ROL account, you will need to create an account prior to filing your amended returns. 
  • The Retroactive SALT Parity Composite Reporting Return will be available through ROL from September 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024. The submission must be made as an unfiled filing in the format of a multi-year composite return for tax years 2018-2021. The election may be made for one or more tax years, but the return must include all tax years for which the election is made.