DR 0456 - Annual Reconciliation of Severance Tax Withheld from Oil and Gas Payments

This reconciliation must be filed with the Colorado Department of Revenue on or before April 15, following the close of the calendar year. Copies of each DR 0021W, Oil and Gas Withholding Statement, that was issued by this entity must also accompany this form. Unless the production is exempt from tax, a DR 0021W must be issued to any person or entity with a working interest, royalty interest, production payment, or any other interest in the oil or gas that was produced in Colorado.

Failure to file this Annual Reconciliation and/or the accompanying DR 0021W forms can result in a penalty of 15% or $1,500, whichever is less. The DR 0021W forms can be submitted electronically via Revenue Online

This form DR 0456 should be submitted to the address shown below:


Denver, CO 80261-0006