DR 0106K - Colorado K-1

Partnerships a S corporations must submit a copy of each partner’s or shareholder's Colorado K-1 to the Department. These copies may be submitted in spreadsheet or XML form on Revenue Online. Partnerships and S corporations may also enter the data manually on Revenue Online. Partnerships and S corporations who file through MeF can submit each partner's or shareholder’s K-1 as part of their return. Finally, paper copies may be submitted with the Annual Transmittal of DR 0106K – Colorado K-1 Forms cover sheet (form DR 1706) by mail to:

Colorado Department of Revenue
Denver, CO 80261-0006

Do not submit the copies of the Colorado K-1s issued to partners or shareholders (or the DR 1706 transmittal form) as an attachment to a paper income tax return (form DR 0106) or as a PDF attachment to an MeF income tax return filed for the partnership or S corporation.