If you are unable to close your locations using Revenue Online for any reason, you can send an email to DOR_TaxApplications@state.co.us to request for sites to be closed.
Physical Location(s)
To close physical location(s) without closing your entire sales tax account, follow these steps.
- Log in to Revenue Online.
- Your homepage will show a list of accounts.
- Under your sales tax account, click on "Add or close Sales Tax Locations."
- Select "Close Locations" in the "Close Locations" menu panel.
- On the Close Location screen, select the cease entry field and enter a cease date for the physical location(s).
- Click "Submit" and enter your Revenue Online password.
Non-Physical Location(s)
To close non-physical location(s) without closing your entire sales tax account, follow these steps.
- Log in to Revenue Online.
- Your homepage will show a list of accounts.
- Under your sales tax account, click on "Add or close Sales Tax Locations."
- Select "Close Locations" in the "Close Locations" menu panel.
- On the Close Location screen, select the cease entry field and enter a cease date for the non-physical location(s).
- Click "Submit" and enter your Revenue Online password.