Certified Brands & Manufacturers Directories

In Colorado, it is unlawful to possess for sale, offer for sale, or to sell cigarette or RYO brands not in the Colorado Certified Brands and Manufacturers Directories. Furthermore, there is no sell through period for cigarettes or RYO brands that have been removed from the Certified Brands Directory. Sales of brands not in the directories may result in penalties including but not limited to:
  • Revocation of your cigarette and/or tobacco products license(s) for a period of two years.
  • Civil and criminal penalties.
  • Confiscation of the contraband product.

It is also unlawful to affix a tax stamp to a package of cigarettes of a manufacturer or brand not included in the directory. The Department sends an email to each stamping agent to notify them of any addition to or removal from the directory. The Department sends notice of removals at least three calendar days before the brand family or style is actually removed from the directory. Each stamping agent must provide the Department a current email address to receive these notifies. To receive monthly notification that Certified Brands and Manufacturers Directories have been updated, please email us at DOR_Master_Settlement@state.co.us.

Unless provided by an agreement between a stamping agent and the manufacturer, a stamping agent is entitled to a refund from a manufacturer of any money paid by the stamping agent to the manufacturer for any of the manufacturer cigarettes held by the stamping agent on the date of notice by the Department of the removal of the manufacturer/brand from the directory. 
For information regarding the Licensed Cigarette and Tobacco Products Distributors Lists, visit the Licensed Distributors page and Remote Retail Sellers page.

Current Lists


Last List Update:
February 28, 2025

Prior Lists