Income Tax Credit, Subtraction & Deduction Forms


Before filing, visit the Credits and/or Subtractions web page and review all of the corresponding information to verify the qualification criteria, appropriate forms, and necessary documentation for the credit, subtraction, or deduction you are claiming.
If filing by paper, use the form(s) listed below that correspond(s) with the subtraction, credit, or deduction you are claiming. Be sure to use the form(s) for the same tax year for which you are filing. For example, if you are filing an income tax return for 2018, you must include the credit, subtraction, and/or deduction form(s) for 2018 with your return. Additionally, be sure to include all necessary documentation for the credit, subtraction, or deduction you are claiming in the same envelope as your income tax return and completed credit, subtraction, or deduction form(s) when you mail your return to the Department.
Save time and file online! You may use the Department's free e-file service Revenue Online to file your Colorado income tax return. You do not need to login to Revenue Online to File a Return. After you file, you have the option of setting up a Login ID and Password to view your income tax account in Revenue Online. Or, you may opt to e-file through a paid tax professional or purchase tax software to complete and file returns. You may submit your documentation as an E-Filer Attachment via Revenue Online, as well.


Child Care Contribution

DR 1317 - Child Care Contribution Tax Credit Certification 
DR 1318 - Unlicensed Child Care Organization Registration Application (Registration Information)
DR 1319 - Child Care Contribution Tax Credit Grandfathered Organization Application (Registration Information)

Contaminated Land Remediation

DR 0348 - Remediation of Contaminated Land Credit Transfer Schedule
DR 0349 - Remediation of Contaminated Land Credit Use Schedule

Enterprise Zones

DR 0078 - Application for Extended Enterprise Zone Tax Credits in Terminated Enterprise Zone Area
DR 0078A - Pass-Through Entity Enterprise Zone Credit Distribution Report
DR 1366 - Enterprise Zone Credit and Carryforward Schedule

Gross Conservation Easement

DR 1305 - Gross Conservation Easement Donor Schedule
DR 1305E - Gross Conservation Easement Credit Transfer Schedule
DR 1305F - Gross Conservation Easement Credit Pass-Through Schedule
DR 1305G - Gross Conservation Easement Credit Use Schedule

Innovative Motor Vehicle

DR 0617 - Innovative Motor Vehicle Credit &, Innovative Truck Credit
DR 0618 - Innovative Motor Vehicle Tax Credit - Election Statement (Approved File Format for Electronic Submissions)

Other Forms

DR 0113 - Rural Jump Start Zone Credit
DR 0289 - Employer Contributions to Employee 529 Qualified State Tuition Program
DR 0347 - Child Care Expenses Tax Credit
DR 0350 - First-Time Home Buyer Savings Account Interest Deduction
DR 0366 - Rural & Frontier Health Care Preceptor Credit
DR 0375 - Credit for Employer Paid Leave of Absence for Live Organ Donation Affidavit
DR 1316 - Colorado Source Capital Gain Subtraction Affidavit
DR 1330 - Strategic Capital Tax Credit and Carry Forward Schedule
Please be aware fillable PDFs are for your convenience and must be printed prior to closing out the document, as changes will not be saved in the PDF. This page lists only the most recent version of each form. If you are looking for a prior year form, please email DOR_TaxInfoEmail@state.co.us.